Optimistic Pessimistic

by Maher   Mar 8, 2014

Gaze upon the starry sky.
Find me a reason to pass you by,
to ignore the light that's given life
to this hopeless, stricken thing
staring into your eyes,
that's fallen flat on it's face,
it's soul shrouded by the happiness inside.

I'll hope for a turn in the tide
by the ever watching moon
as she dances circles in the night
with light lent from a friendly swoon.
A spherical ball of hell, shining ever so bright,
that gives life to the green,
while hanging the yellow out to die.

Is it a common thing to lose sight of your mind?
To be stuck in a never ending loop
of certain places and times?
Or is it a natural occurrence
to have sight, yet be blind?
To live this life in search of ways
to make the past and present rhyme.

Strip my heart of this crime of falling deeply in love.
Bid it the will to beat in line
with what's decreed from above
Flood these veins with lust, sublime,
so none but you, could I dream of.
Drug this darkened, hardened mind
Give me the one I'll always want.


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  • 10 years ago

    by LittleMsPink

    I love reading this, greatly written

    • 10 years ago

      by Maher

      Thanks :)

  • 11 years ago

    by earlgreytea

    It was a compliment well deserved Maher. :)

  • 11 years ago

    by earlgreytea

    Adding this to my favorite poems. I loved it, great job. :)

    • 11 years ago

      by Maher

      Thank you! :)

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