Broken and Blushing

by NiXiT   Mar 9, 2014

I ponder of age, I ponder of ways to wave goodbye because you would never take me anyways. You prayed for more and I appeared and I might not be the best but at least I am here. Here for you and the heat was on and it dawns on me that our bond could be so strong when we've not even known each other long.

So I will take a breath and step away and one day you might awake and realize I could make you happier and I pray it is not too late. Beautiful, benevolent, bursting into flames - Broken and blushing, we are so much the same and when you came into my life I never expected this pain.

©2014 Nikk Settell (NiXiT)


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  • 10 years ago

    by Postguied Parnell

    Awesome poem man. Flows well.

  • 11 years ago

    by LittleMsPink

    So sad,,

    "Beautiful, benevolent, bursting into flames - Broken and blushing, we are so much the same and when you came into my life I never expected this pain."

    this lines are my favorite :)