
by misty lott   Mar 10, 2014

They say they will never hurt you
did they ever think that the neglect and beating was bad enough
thanks to you it will never leave the pain the heartache
I'm just glad help came when it did
would i still be in pain
would i still be there
would i be alive
would i be a good friend
would i have the people i have to day
probably not so this is a thank you to all who speak up about abuse
thanks so much for helping kids and teens like me


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  • 10 years ago

    by Misundertood

    I know how you fell i went through the same if you ever want to talk agian let me know k

  • 11 years ago

    by misty lott

    Thanks i love your poems to

  • 11 years ago

    by Trinity Heart

    "to day" should be one word sweetie and this is a beautiful poem to people who are in abusive relationships my daughter of my heart would agree to this poem 5/5
