Comments : A Story In Red

  • 11 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Wow this is so beautiful like it just took my brath away, supreme job, i cant wait to read what you have next to share :)!!!

  • 11 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    I really liked the title here because you write it about the poem in general. You did a great job with your rhyming. It flows so very smoothly and flawlessly. Thelines tell a real story. I didn't really see any flaws either so well done for that. Now to the poem as a whole:

    I believe this poem is about a girl who as finally lost all of her strength inside and out. You started out so strong here as well. You took the ending and made it the beginning. Which I love because it tells what you have done and then you talk about why it happened. The imagery is sad but each stanza you paint a great picture. When you are hurt sometimes life is way too much to bare and you use negative ways to cope. It seems like here with other people this person is doubting her self. And that makes it so much worse. Each stanza this person seems to be more and more depressed until the end where she finally ends it. I again love how you repeated the stanzas. You end your life and the last stanza wraps it all up. Beautiful write

  • 11 years ago

    by Sarah

    Wow! phenomenal! It made me cry.

  • 11 years ago

    by Trinity Heart

    I really like this poem I really do it shows so much sadness and I have a friend who died she cutted because she thought she wasn't good enough so I know part of this poem it really touches the heart good job!


  • 10 years ago

    by Postguied Parnell

    that was deep, dark, and wonderful.