by Veronica Apr 11, 2014
category :
Sadness, depression /
grieving, loss
Broken heart to another,as time has pass I can't turn back the hands of time,Thinking back over my life when, we use to joke,laugh ,sharing each other thoughts.As night came near for us to say goodnight , I close my eyes with no tears to be found.The love we share made me smile from the inside out. As morning grew near .I receive a phone call ,it was a shocking news to bare. Holding the phone to my ear." Selah" I was lose for words. Realize you was no longer here. "Until we meet again ". I will always remember the encouragement you leave behind."Big girls don't cry!" Love, Strength,Peace.... My Guardian Angels never forget you .As you watch from a distant." I will carry you in my heart, in spirt and truth. |