Never Again

by Someone Invisible   Apr 14, 2014

I can't do it again
I'll never be someones side show,
never be that toy you hide
this hurt...I just didn't know.
I thought I could handle it
but obviously I was so wrong,
it's made my pillow tear stained
and it's so hard to be strong.
I had been clean for so long
threw all my blades away,
but I just had to fall in love
and with someone who would never stay.
So my friends have come back
they whisper to me, they calm me,
late at night while I'm on my own
they become all that I need.
I replace crystal tears with crimson tears
I bleed my needs out, bleed love, and pain,
I've stopped asking for anything from you
so my love has turned into a big blood stain.
I'm not asking for love anymore
'cause I know with you it'll never happen,
for now I'll just take what you give
even if all it is, is faithless passion.


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