My original writing of The Great Deceptipon

by Tanya   Apr 23, 2014

Your deception was great, the act was divine. I found out too late that you weren't really mine..
I fell for your games and lost my control. Yes you are to blame for this broken soul.
So laugh and be gay, enjoy your new mate. Your memory will stay as part of my fate.
I will see you each hour and in each of my thoughts. I will remember the pain loving you has brought.
Then in the future when we meet once more. I will recall the past and even the score.


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  • 10 years ago

    by MissMana

    This was such a neat poem. Sad, a little, but I enjoyed it. I broke up with my partner a year ago now, it was an interesting experience and I wanted her to hurt like I did but it only consumed my thought's. In turn hurting me more than it did her. writing helped and understanding it was for the best. this poem brought me to thoughts of that, lol. anyways good poem, love the last verse.


    • 9 years ago

      by Tanya

      Thank you and im glad you liked it...

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