Dream big, reach for the stars
the world is your oyster
that's what they say
am I supposed to dream
of travelling, of exotic jobs
and unique places and
more money than I can spend?
-I don't.
I dream of the day when I can
finally look into a mirror and see
these eyes of mine staring back
at me with adoration and love
with satisfaction and happiness
instead of self doubt, criticism
and low self esteem
and it may not be today
or tomorrow, it may not be
next week, month,
or even next year
-but one day, one day
I'll look in that mirror and
I'll be proud of what I see
in the reflection
I'll be the amazing mother I
dream of, the adoring partner
I crave to be, the dutiful wife
and loving friend,
I'll look in that mirror
-and I'll be the amazing woman
I was always meant to become.