Comments : De(Me)ntal

  • 10 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Have to say as I read this, it is like "gulps" of air or "things" that you are taking in. Will try to do more in depth a little later. Very nice, more professional level work from you. You are growing as a writer.

  • 10 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    The day in a life of an office person. So many things going on and with each breath of air the load is been added and it all seems like a normal day that unfolds. I agree with Sylvia you surly are growing into a very natural writer :)

  • 10 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Judging comment:

    I have never read anything like this before. What took me by surprise was the range of emotions I felt during this. I was confused at times, uncomfortable, and feeling like what we live and see each day may be an illusion. I am not sure if this is open to interpretation or if the author had a direct cause for writing this. Upon first glance at the title, I thought of a mental illness, or trying to rid one's self of those troubling thoughts or even rationalize them. Then, with the (me), I thought of "dental", like a dental office. What intrigued me most was that the author did not shrink back or become afraid to be eccentric, and even deluded with the tone of voice. Because sometimes, we do want to scream as humans, be irrational, or do things that absolutely have no rhyme or reason. The individual parts that stood out to me were the author's emphasis on certain words, the onomatopoeia that seemed to echo like in the "crack" or "spit".

    Part of my interpretation is that this person is going through a manic episode perhaps, they were in a depressive state (feeling emptiness, thinking of death), then ask for someone to be there, for someone to not walk away but dance with them. This person is broken, they crave someone to reach out yet push away at the same time. But they are at their lowest. The most moving part to me was the transition from a harsh tone of "STOP" and "Don't you dare walk away!" to something more soft and almost childlike with the call to make this person dance. Not sure exactly the meaning of the ending, or the "weasel in the sea", maybe that they are witnessing this person breaking down and are asking to be saved, to be brought back to some kind of clarity before it's too late. What a captivating write, gave me shivers! (7)

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    Many thanks for pointing me in this direction. This is odd, certainly, but brilliant too. It is without doubt the most hectic write I have every read - it left me short of breath by the end. There is such a desperation in your words that I can't help feeling moved by them and , as others have said, a little disturbed.
    This really is free verse at its purest - free! I can tell this was written right from the heart and just laid out there and it really is a unique and fantastic piece of writing. I suppose it could be interpreted a few ways and it is certainly confusing at times - but some of the best poetry has those exact qualities.

    All the very best,

    • 9 years ago

      by Everlasting

      Thanks Ben. Not sure if this came from the heart or the soul, or just pure imagination... Or a little bit of the three, or the three together.

  • 9 years ago

    by Dancing Rivers

    Dammnit!!! This was such an exhillerating, mind altering, view-shifting focus grasping, life questioning, sanity draining, art inspiring, movie creating piece of I have NO IDEA WHAT but I LOVE IT!!! WHAT THE #%^(&)*( IS THIS MASTERFULLY WRITTEN COMPLETELY SENSICALLY NON SENSICALLY MIND DRAINING PIECE OF POISONOUS BEUATY THAT I have just read??? I was taken into a sci-fi fantasy-rom-com-cartoon-thriller-horror new age vintage GOD KNOWS WHAT artwork styled movie. #$$$$&*&( brilliant and most definitely nominated

  • 9 years ago

    by Dancing Rivers

    Oh shucks it's an old one so I can't nominate it :(

    • 9 years ago

      by Everlasting

      Lol thank you. The thought counts.
      And the comment too.

  • 8 years ago

    by Fading Memory

    Have you ever seen the nothing?

    great job ' filled the void between nothing

    • 8 years ago

      by Everlasting

      Depends... idk.

      I'm not sure. Have you ?