I'll be seeing you

by Chelsey   Jun 4, 2014


I believe this month was created for us; created for questions,
like 'May I hold you?' and 'Maybe, just maybe, I could call you mine?'
Nerves and reluctance bloom like flowers, but the beauty in their
hesitation comes from their motives-
Rooting love deeper into our spirits.

May brought nights parked under bridges, fireworks fulfilling the
sky's ambiance, and a fleece luxury in my truck bed.
Believe me when I say, I wanted to kiss the moonlight off your
lips, but some things in nature you shouldn't remove.
I'll never forget the desire to attach myself to you, like static,
attempting to cling without the annoyance, but with
reassurance that I long for you-
Only you, love.

The sound of May was strung on your vocal chords and I'll
always remember making music with our laughter. I'll cherish
the hurt in my stomach as tickling became too much to bare,
the sugar rush from bags of candy, and most definitely the caress
your hand left in my hair.

My heart was on a journey to sadness as I realized the time was
coming to a close, but the kindness of May reminded me-
You weren't the season, she was.

And I'll see you in June.


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  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    What stands out to me about the few pieces I've read of yours is your effortless descriptive powers. They transport the reader and make them feel as though they are there. The description in this really is lush for want of a better word. It is a beautiful piece and a pleasure to read.
    All the very best,

  • 10 years ago

    by Unknown

    This is absolutely beautiful, Chelsey. The beginning of a relationship is just like Spring, everything is new and colorful, exciting yet a little shy, deciding on whether you should fully bloom and show them all your beauty. You captured that perfectly in the first stanza!!

    The second stanza is probably my favorite! Wow... so much imagery! I love the image of you two in the truck bed! I'm country to the bone and it has to be one of my favorite things to do, cuddle with a few blankets in the back of a truck bed and just gaze at the stars, talking and laughing and just spending some good quality time together.

    "I'll never forget the desire to attach myself to you, like static,
    attempting to cling without the annoyance, but with
    reassurance that I long for you- "

    - I love this part. You are in the part of the relationship where you want to spend every moment you can with them but yet you don't want to appear like the clingy girl who annoys the crap out of them. So you try to find the balance so that you can assure this person that you want to be with them, only them.

    The third stanza has so a cuteness factor in it, the little things you both share... memories. Tickling wars until your stomach hurts, candy and when he caresses your hair with this left hand. Small details but things you will always cherish.

    That ending is one of the best that I've read recently! I'm in love with it! You became saddened at the end of May, but soon realized that they weren't a season that came and went, but a person who will hopefully be there for June, for summer...and for many seasons after that.

    • 10 years ago

      by Chelsey

      You ladies nailed it 100%....this is a real life poem and I'm so happy I could express it exactly how it happened!

  • 10 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Yay, you finally posted this! This piece is so heartwarming and the atmosphere makes me look forward to the time in my life where I will meet my love. There's such a hopeful tone, knowing that May has brought this beauty and has brought you two closer and in a more understanding light, yet just because the seasons transition, that doesn't mean you will not see this person again. The ending is a wonderful reminder of continuing that love and how it is indeed a journey.

    These are my favorite lines that I keep repeating in my head:
    "Believe me when I say, I wanted to kiss the moonlight off your
    lips, but some things in nature you shouldn't remove."

    Great piece and happy birthday! <3