Behind The Bedroom Door

by Baby Rainbow   Jul 5, 2014

Quivering by the corner of her bed,
her heart trembling like thunder
as fear confines her to the darkened
chambers of his fist.

Heavy footsteps echo upon
creaking floorboards,
while pleas of mercy whisper
behind her tired eyes.

Her shaking hands clasp together
with desperation, praying
for a miracle to arrive.

And as lightning strikes
across the midnight sky,
her bedroom door swings open...

... she cannot believe her eyes.




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  • 10 years ago

    by Edward Oropeza

    The scenario is somewhat one thing, a girl in her character...but the way the story is made is based upon the character's paranoia, with a single event the whole story is captured by each lines of this piece. Very good Saffie!

  • 10 years ago

    by Unknown

    Two scenarios popped into my head while reading this: one of a little girl who is scared to death, hiding before her father finds her. The other is of a abused wife, fearful of her husband coming home to beat her. Either one fits the poem perfectly.

    I envision the scene like this:

    She is hiding, shaking due to the fact that she is scared of what is to come, even though she knows exactly what is about to happen due to it happening many times before. She is hunched at the corner of her bed as she hears the dreadful footsteps looming down the hallway. She prays so hard, she is so tired... so tired not only physically but emotionally. She prays for mercy, a miracle, anything to save her from what is about to come.

    The ending is mysterious. It left me questioning what truly happened. Was the person at the door not who she thought it was, maybe it was someone to come save her from the abuse? or was it still him, but he wasn't there to abuse her this time? Or did God literally strike lightning down upon this person? lol Whatever it was, it was shocking, she couldn't believe her eyes and I hope that is a good thing. Either way, I like the mysteriousness of it!

    • 10 years ago

      by Baby Rainbow

      Thanks Hannah - I was going for a cliff hanger ending - but I am not sure if it works??