Darkest Hour

by Debra Ponsaa   Jul 12, 2014

I was in my darkest hour. Contemplating my life and the strategies thereof. She wanted to know if I wanted a cup of coffee and talk. I didn't want to be disturbed. After all, I'm a writer. Our greatest accomplishments are created when we're melancholy. I didn't want the mood to change. I wanted to wallow in self-pity. In darkness. I wanted to find the answers that would never be known. They would just gnaw at my brain until I could almost feel myself teeter-tottering at the answer I thought was right or wanted to believe. How someone else's thoughts or lies could destroy any chance you have at a future. Trying to understand how someone else's flaws somehow become your own.

What was your darkest hour? Something that to some would be so trivial but yet to you, it ached in your heart. Was it something so severe that mine seem almost ridiculous. Was it a word, a thought, an action that pulled you through the muck of society? A hateful place that you didn't want to be and it was such a struggle to climb back up to the top. Was it something that battered your very inner soul with such contempt that you began to believe those visions that pranced in your head. Knowing the truth but your lips could only utter acceptance. Your very being seemed to be thrust into a darkness that you had never known and you weren't even sure why.

Don't ever believe that your pains and sorrows aren't worth the time that you spend on them. Your inner soul was in need of mending; of finding peace; of refurbishing itself. When your inner soul has completed its journey through the darkness, it comes back with a vengeance. A new vibrancy; a new life. It remembers and grabs ahold of all those things that made you who you are that were lost within the confines of life. And you - you begin to stand taller and are even a little more wiser and once again you are complete. Most of all, you are happy.

When the trials and tribulations of life get you to a place where only the darkness lies; cry. Cry again even when you feel like you cried all you can cry. Cry again even when the pain is so distant that you are not sure where the tears come from. Your eyes are the window to your soul. Flush the muck out and show the world what a beautiful person you really are. Hold your head up and feel the light shine within your soul and show the beauty that you bestow upon this earth for all to see.


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  • 10 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Now that was amazing to read, it brought years to my eyes, so uplifting an inspiring how you turned the tone of the poem completely around from the beginning to the end. I normally so not read poetry that is in chapters and quite long, it can be boring for me and lacking in interest, but with this one I could not stop reading until the end.

    I think you speak volumes Of truth here, and I totally understand how you describe emotions and how the darkness is where you write best, so instead if wanting to see the light, you would rather be left alone in order to write it out, express, create.

    I hope others will take a chance and read this, it deserves to be read and does give a very twisting ending that leaves you feeling reached by someone who has walked in your shoes!

    Well done