Igniting Memories

by Baby Rainbow & Unknown   Jul 13, 2014

We vowed to never
become the forest fire
that torched our
field of memories,

but I was just a tourist
losing my way through
the breathing space
we once ignited with passion.

No place that far
could ever extinguish
the flames of our love
(or so I thought).

Burnt patches of
yesterday's promises
linger beneath what's
left of remaining hope

and the star sparkle
of our wedding rings
perish within the ashes.

A Hannah/Saffie production. :)

Prompts used:
star sparkle
field of memories
no place that far
breathing space


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  • 10 years ago

    by Unknown

    I think we done great! I definitely enjoyed writing with you and I know we will create a few more Hannah/Saffie productions down the road. :D

  • 10 years ago

    by BlueJay

    I like the way you collectively wrote a challenge piece, it was well written and both voices blended almost seamlessly while the prompts also felt quite natural. this is well written and interestingly drafted.