Wading Through Waterfalls and Feelings

by Unknown   Jul 18, 2014

You cloud against the mountain,
tracing stone like Braille and
teaching me the names of the
wildflowers that blooms
beneath nature's own

You slowly caress my face
with an avalanche of
tenderness and
just like that,




You scavenge for
luck between the clover
as I write on water,
ripples whisper what
I dare not say,

but when I peek
out of the corner
of my eye,

a hint of a smile
is perched on your lips
and ultimately,
that's all I need
to know.

*club challenge

Copyright 2014: Hannah K.


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  • 10 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Feelings go hand in hand with nature, and Hannah has captivated me this week. What a dazzling, metaphoric nature poem!

    "Nature's own baptism."----------- What a line!!

    The flow of this poem is seriously a waterfall of emotions which is why the title is perfect! The nature tones and display alone are why this is one of the top poems this week and then you had in the metaphoric message and it could clearly be posted as love as well...
    I admire creativity in a poem, this piece here is packed with it!! Well done Hannah!

  • 10 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    Wordplay seems to be very important when it comes to imagery or even some metaphors. I'm going to put my hat in and say this is one of your better poems. Its in the way the stanzas connect with the wording. Example. Using baptism and flower is a great way of saying that flowers cannot grow without rain. And even romance cannot bloom without some "rain" or tears. But maybe I'm reading too far into it. Avalanche I love. There are so many ways you can play around with it. You did well and were very clever with the "fall" line. It captures that moment seemingly when you fell in love. One touch can do that. This poem gives the reader a warm feeling inside because I believe its about (as I said before) that moment of falling in love when you just know. Great use of the metaphors. I'm in love with this poem. Excellent!

  • 10 years ago

    by Alexandra

    Beautiful. I've always really enjoyed nature and the inspiration that it brings.

    "Tracing stone like Braille" that's an interesting and vivid description. I really love your word choices throughout this poem.

    "You slowly caress my face
    with an avalanche of
    tenderness and
    just like that,


    l "

    ^This is really sweet, again, great use of words. I like the trail of letters in fall it's very clever. But personally, I dislike the word avalanche in this context. Avalanche always brings to mind snow, ice, etc. but in the first stanza it feels like you are describing spring/summer type weather as does the remaining of the poem, it works great with the "falling" part, but a different word such as Overflowing, Overrunning, Deluge, I'm sure there are more words but idk right now. It's wonderful the way it is, that was just a personal opinion.

    But overall, I love this. It's beautiful and is full of great imagery. And it has the perfect mix of nature and love in it. If I had power I would nominate this because it's just so beautiful.