Unpleasant enough, when I heard from the nurse I am in a country that truth never reign.
Had I known she is not in a good land, I shouldn't have answered when she asked me to come out of my little paradise, where my food comes without begging for it.
Tears slow down the fresh highland of my chicks.
No one knew why I saw crying.
What a tragedy! I was crying and they were laughing and rejoicing.
Can someone get a keyboard of life?
Just two keys can resolve this, the Ctrl and the Z.
Oh! Ye nation without a motion.
Stagnant like a river without hope. Yet with lot of resources but their unfaithfulness is greater than their wealth .
Where is that Angel that posted my service to this blessed land filled with great killers?
Hey! Hi! Hello!
Can you please take my life
My service is not needed here.
Can someone understand my language?
Why am I naked and little like a new born baby?
Can this woman full of stress be my mother?
How can they survive without electricity?
Without honour, yes they lack respect for me.
Hmmm, who is the man throwing me up without fear? Am I your ball?
Woah, he speaks strange language.
Ha, why me? In this ugly land without a changer?
Evil and evil, they plans day by day.
Ha, how I wish?
How I wish, it was . . . .
How I wish,
Ha ha ha, how I wish it was a dream.