My Dear Boys

by Meena Krish   Jul 30, 2014

You both keep me on my toes
make me throw away caution,
its easy to fall for those puppy eyes
and give in to your notions;

I'm the one happy to send
you boys out into the world,
but fail miserably and stalk your path
for anything that can hurt;

I loose myself dreaming
your future, knowing what you can do,
and be the very same old lady
who gets frustrated and broods;

Yes I get overly worried
when you boys aren't back home in time,
though I am sorry, always ready
to blast you for the crime;

I can't help but pour my concern
love and words, trying to make you better,
just know, that you boys are the lantern
for this poor mother.


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  • 10 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    You are simply queen of poems when it comes to loved ones or nature or forms. So simply everything has been said but at the same time it looks so elegant. Loved it.

    all the best & take care

  • 10 years ago

    by Jyoti Rawat


    all moms love their babies, like............
    thrust to water
    breath to air
    eyes to light

  • 10 years ago

    by alka mendiratta

    Very well penned:)
    Can relate so much while bringing up boys.Mother's are overprotective and sometimes worry unnecessarily .Loved the word 'lantern'.