Comments : Picture Perfect

  • 10 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    This is a really interesting piece, your word choice surprised me, i was expecting overwhelming emotion,
    But it worked so beautifully.

    I don't think you could have picked a better title,
    It fits each and every line.

    This is truly is an enchanting write, searching for love can not be found unless it is created, a very clever insight and to be honest one I've never really thought about.

    The endding was perfect the simplicity complements the entire piece "wonderful" it was just beautiful to read it makes it feel real, like anyone could find love or someone to create it with.

    I'm so glad you didn't over complicate this Chels it's
    Perfect, stunning piece

  • 10 years ago

    by Unknown

    Woah, girl... I got chills! Every bit of it is gorgeous!

    In the first stanza, you speak of how love is known to be existing, something that we all search for...but not you. You believe we create love and that each love is unique, no two love stories are the same.

    I completely agree! So many people think they must find love, they search all over for it and come up empty handed because they fail to realize that love isn't something to be found, it's something you have to create with someone. You have to work hard at love, bond with that person and mold your relationship around what works best for the both of you.

    I like the use of the quotations around existing, search and create to help them stand out more. I wish the site could allow us to use italics, bold or underline print, which I'm assuming you would have used in replace of the quotes.

    I'm in love with the thesis part! It basically states thar you want to research every single part of them...their life, mind, body, soul and most importantly, their heart. For true love to last, you must bind yourself together and disclose every single part of yourself with each other.

    You have been in love before but this love is different. It is a work in progress, growing with each and every day. You're taking your time making sure each part is solidly built to avoid it collapsing around you.

    You weren't looking for love as many do, it just happened to gather all of the right supplies and start painting itself, customizing to fit both of your needs. I love that part simply for the fact that you said "our" needs not "your" needs! Some people forget that a relationship is a unity and only insist on their needs be met but not their partners.

    This love is just beginning, you both still have a long journey ahead of you but you can see the future, the masterpiece that is about to unveil itself to you and if you have to, you will even steer towards a different direction than intended, just for them.

    You don't expect the people in your lives to understand or approve with your choice to be together. It wasn't always clear to you that this love could be created between the two of you but now that it is, it's something truly beautiful.

    Keep writing! I want more! Lol <3

  • 10 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Some people think that love just simply is,
    always has been, and will forever remain "existing";
    Believing love is something we "search" for.
    Not I. I believe love is something we "create" and
    no ones masterpiece shall be discovered the same.

    ^ I really like this introduction. Honestly, it feels like it could have been a piece all on its own. Either way, it is beautiful and I love the way it leads into the next stanza. But before I move on to that next stanza let me also say I love the way you made "existing", "search", and "create" stand apart from the rest of the stanza, that kind of made it more clear as to where the rest of the piece was going.

    I wish to pen every detail of you. Bind, laminate, and
    hard cover the description-
    you are my thesis.

    ^ I really like the feel of this stanza. It is simple but it says sooo much while also being that elegant kind of potent.

    I have loved before, in many forms, but this journey
    we sojourn has been nothing but a construction
    site. Paving the way for growth on a daily basis.
    I wasn't seeking love, but I watch it paint itself-
    customized (to our needs.)

    ^ Your analogy here is definitely unique and a little "out there" but I really like the way you made that work so well here. The last two lines really speak to me though (I love them).

    I've barely got my brush wet, I haven't even begun to
    stroke the fabric, but every famous painting started
    with a visual.

    ^ this stanza is amazing. Truly beautiful. Almost perfect, (should got in the first line be gotten?)

    And my image of this creative love will splash off the canvas-
    For you.

    ^ Wonderful. I am sorry I cannot think of any other way to describe this though.

    We can't expect him to understand, her to comprehend,
    or them to agree because love does not merely exist. It
    wasn't always present, nor visible to the naked eye, but
    when it became available , my oh my...

    ^ This is a great way to pull your conclusion together. It sums everything up so magnificently and it shows the excellence and importance of this relationship and of each person in general.

    We sure did invent something wonderful.

    ^ I don't think there could have been any better line to end this with.

    I have not read your work in a while, but this is amazing and it reminded me what I've been missing. This piece is phenomenal. Great piece Chelsey.

  • 10 years ago

    by DarkLight

    Sweet....we invent love, what exists is just a mere visual of what we think of love. paint you love...let the world have that idea.

  • 10 years ago

    by xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex

    Not bad, not bad at all!
    Really, I loved the idea, most of the placement, the creation and arrangement of words.

    A suggestion? Use more describing words. I did like the poem, but it didn't stick out to me in the sense that it didn't make me feel what you felt. And isn't that the point of poetry?
    You are talented, but I felt something was amiss - I can't quite put a finger on it. Perhaps it was the lack of feeling I got from the poem. Or maybe a few extra adjectives would work.
    But, with all due respect, it didn't sparkle to me.. It's missing that one thing that makes it shine.

    Maybe you didn't really feel it as you should? Or maybe you should have explained it a different way?
    I'm just musing.

    However, although I did like it - the idea is great - I just felt there could have been more, something was amiss. Like a beautiful flower about to bloom, but it hasn't yet. It's still beautiful, but not at its best. Does that make sense?
    I talk in metaphors sometimes. I apologizes.

    But keep writing. It's the only way you'll grow. Like the flower.. See how I did that? ;). Ha.


  • 10 years ago

    by IbaKer

    I luv those lines as quoted by U
    We can't expect him to understand, her to comprehend,
    or them to agree because love does not merely exist. It
    wasn't always present, nor visible to the naked eye, but
    when it became available , my oh my...

    We sure did invent something wonderful

    I surely feel the same

  • 10 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    This metaphoric, love/relationship poem is beautiful by Chelsey this week!
    The metaphor of paintings, sculpting and creativity is just wonderful! I can't say enough about this poem.. The feelings are mixed and matched, intertwined and it's very colorful. The visual display is very exciting as well. I can see a couple painting together, forming a friendship and turning into love by the end. It's also an inspirational poem about the budding of a relationship in my opinion. Very classy and detailed! Well done!