I am the religion you abide

by John Doe   Aug 6, 2014

Guys this was the reply I got for my poem the religion i abide, this was written by a wonderful person, actually my favorite person as a reply . I know it's not mine but I feel it completes the earlier poem. p. s still regret 14/3/11

I am the religion you abide,
and remember I'm always by your side.
Although we are far apart,
I'll never ever break your heart.

I want to spend the time again,
want the life to again begin.
which chase game was that we played,
and how do you think has it payed.

For every piece of heart I lent,
a drop of tear I had to spend,
and always notice this one thing,
I'm there on the other side of the ring.

Although the dark clouds draw upon,
don't let the happy moments feel long gone.
Just know I'll be at your side,
for you too are the religion that I abide


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  • 8 years ago

    by Em


  • 10 years ago

    by Dancing Rivers

    Really deep poem, strong sense of love and longing