My Beating Heart (Pregnancy Loss)

by Natalie   Aug 11, 2014

Excitement flourishes upon two simple lines,
Joys of parenthood flush the unknown mind.
Innocent life created to bring into the world,
Feelings of solitude are gently left behind.

Fear strikes the first time mothers heart,
Joys of parenthood are slowly fading away.
Tears crash, more salty than ever before,
'Why me? Why me?' Is all she could say.

A beautiful soul, deemed unworthy for our home,
Questions wonder, but answers will never be found.
There will always be a special place for you, my dear,
My beating heart is where I'll keep you safe and sound.

This poem is dedicated to a special little baby whom I lost through Miscarriage a few years ago. I feel this poem does need more work. I am finding it hard to get my flow back after so long. Any suggestions/critique is more than welcomed!


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  • 10 years ago

    by mikaylar

    I think it's fine... Might need a little bit of emotion added to it... And som more adjoining words but I think it's good

  • 10 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    First time mothers heart

    I was criticized about misplacing an apostrophe
    to be honest I read this more than once to connect all four words but I still await a second opinion on weather an apostrophe at the end on mothers' would keep the readers from distraction

    beautiful poem btw