The Putrid Moon

by PorcelainMoon   Aug 16, 2014

A putrid moon separates the skies like a rotten blanket
Exiled from a lonely hole in the ground
A day so bleak to perish in the snow
you hope to numb the pain,
Like tears in the falling rain
Melodramatic chariots carry patrons with painted faces
Lonely roads, moving heavy loads
Cigarette smoke blows out the window like your conciousness.


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  • 10 years ago

    by BlueJay

    I like the way you wrote this so simply and yet it says so much so easily so wonderfully.

    Especially enjoy the last line

  • 10 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Mr. Porcelain Moon has written a short and truly magical poem this week. His word usage and fun format is brilliant!
    The word display and visuals are fun and exciting! Hard to do in a small piece.
    I like the usage of melodramatic chariots- Fun way to describe cars under the moon.. There is a sad and somber tone in this piece... a sense of loneliness and He has written a gem here!

  • 10 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Holy moly this is excellant!