Title: This is a great title as it fits well with the poem but can be interpreted in many ways. One touch can spark something between two people.
First- This is a great way to start a poem, wow! I believe what you are saying is one touch, or brush can spark a moment in time that can last forever. Holding hands seems to be the case here. This stanza holds great vocabulary that fits well within the poem. To me it doesn't take away the flow at all. As I said one moment can last a lifetime if you both feel it in your hearts.
Second- Life seems to always get in the way of love. Especially new love. I think if you can make it last it is always worth it. When the world wants to tear that love apart that's when you have to keep fighting and hanging on, because you have each other and that's all you need!.
Ending- Sadness and emotion fill this stanza. When that realization comes and there is nothing you can do about it. But that one touch will remain in your heart forever but life pushes you away. That feeling of nothing you can do. This poem is great because of the emotions you stated. Love and sadness mixed into one. Excellent work. 5/5