Book Lover

by cassie hughes   Sep 8, 2014

The paper rustles as she turns the page
searching for an illustration she can understand.
If only life was clear cut stage by stage
Like in the book of stories held within her trembling hand.

On each and every one of all the pictures
a sense of something magical appears to draw her in
and though her head reminds her to be cautious
her heart would have the opposite and rush to fall within.

She knows it is imaginary fable,
There is no love like in the stories that she loves to read.
Yet as she puts it back upon the table,
she knows she will return because it always serves her need.

Written for Hayley's club challenge: Find your closest book (of any kind). Turn to page 23. Pick the first or last ten full words on the page and co operate them into a poem. You can use them in any order, and anywhere in the poem.

My book was Heraldry - Understanding Signs and Symbols
The first 10 words on page 23 were -

The illustration on the opposite page is imaginary and serves


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  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    The escapism a good book can offer. Love this one as I can relate completely. Well written as usual.

  • 10 years ago

    by Masked metaphor

    First of all I would like to congratulate you once again for winning the contest! Im glad my vote got you there!

    The paper rustles as she turns the page
    searching for an illustration she can understand.
    If only life was clear cut stage by stage
    Like in the book of stories held within her trembling hand.
    What I love so much about this is the descriptions so vivid, easily allowing the reader to visualise so clearly the turning of pages, the illustrations and words. It also allows the reader to reminisce on the books they have read and to link this experience to the words you have written!
    I love this part: "If only life was clear cut stage by stage Like in the book of stories held within her trembling hand." - I for one wish that life was as simple or magical as the world of story books! But the beauty of reading stories is it captures the reader completely that it has the power to transfer them from life to the realms of the story as they develop closer relationships with the characters depicted - you have worded this stanza so intricately and wonderfully, capturing a depth and quality to the reader when they are engrossed in a book.

    On each and every one of all the pictures
    a sense of something magical appears to draw her in
    and though her head reminds her to be cautious
    her heart would have the opposite and rush to fall within.
    I like how you have expressed the difference between the readers thoughts as well as the logic mind seeping in - we as readers tend to over analyse characters and judge their actions and this is what draws us in as we are in anticipation of what the character will do next on the events that will occur to this character next!
    You have established a clear devision between the reader and the character as they are both different and it is as though the reader is trying to gain some insight by the characters in the book to foster her own personal experiences.

    She knows it is imaginary fable,
    There is no love like in the stories that she loves to read.
    Yet as she puts it back upon the table,
    she knows she will return because it always serves her need.
    I believe this stanza is very powerful as it consolidates this realisation from the reader that reality can not be the same as a book or a fairy tale - there are no such things as fairy tales and life was meant to be difficult, stressful and hard as it makes us real instead of fictional.
    As a reader I believe this applies to me the most: "Yet as she puts it back upon the table,
    she knows she will return because it always serves her need." It is so true there are some books I have read that I always come back to like a magnet drawn towards the opposing force books have a way into a readers heart!
    I love reading this poem!

    Thankyou for sharing such talents


  • 10 years ago

    by BlueJay

    I really like this piece. I am glad you entered it. Nice job :)