The knowledge

by Dancing Rivers   Sep 23, 2014

A knowledge deeply hidden
Lies lost,nay, not forever
Till it's wake at last is bidden
Slowly, slither by slither.

A knowledge forever hunted -
Strong prey, to weak, hungry predators
Knowledge so pure, untainted
Hunted by many a leper.

Close thine eyes, open thine mind.
Look to the weak, they are strong-
If there thou seek, there thou shalt find,
A knowledge so strong, it transcends the unknown.

Shout out, you world-draw in thine senses
For then thou shalt find the knowledge
That has moved unchanged through tenses
Through life and death, remained unpledged.

Unchain the lost, for they have found
The deep divine knowledge, hidden
Let loose those poor souls bound
For they do harvest the knowledge a fraction.

Let loose the crazed, good and bad
The ones that speak, their minds true jargon
Their minds so clear, unfazed nor mad
For they will earn the trusted pardon.

They hold the knowledge not.
For those poor souls,
The knowledge within them
Is too great to withhold.

Those poor trapped souls
They have the truth foretold...


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  • 9 years ago

    by Dancing Rivers

    When one defines the truth, thy need not suffer an oblivious surch ,for good things come to those who are are pacient , as so are the times where man ,once was ancient. One looks so far , BLATANTLY missing whats near ,thruillusive nature's , who sumewhat added fear,but nature is indefinitely man , one neglects nature's desisive plan.but nevertheless let your will be done. Liven your living , be truefurfuling.(Nathan henry)

    • 9 years ago

      by Dancing Rivers

      Hehe thanks Nate, my crazy little child :)

      You really need to go into philosophy my boy!!!

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Thoughtful, excellently written piece. Agree with Augastus Black - a very strong ending

  • 10 years ago

    by Augastus Black

    A very different of kind of poem. Yes Knowlegde is everything. It's more essential than money because knowledge cannot be bought by money. Last two lines are very very good. Apsoulately It's a good poem. 5/5 stars.