My Play (my Daughter wrote this)

by Hawk Flight   Oct 21, 2014

My second grade class and me
Are putting on a play you see

It will be for all the daddies and mommies
And all the cousin tommys.

It's a play my teacher made up
I'm the star... when she asked I said YUP!

it has a Ghost and witch
and things that will make you twitch

She called it Old Hollows Eve
I'm the prankster with something always up his sleeve.

I cant wait for my Debut
I just hope I don't trip over my Shoe


(My daughters second grade class is putting on a play. She wrote this last night because she was so excited, its happening on Wednesday)


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Latest Comments

  • 10 years ago

    by xxOutcastQueenxx

    Awe this is really good for a second grader!!!! Good job to your little girl!!!!

  • 10 years ago

    by Someone Invisible

    This is just too cute and even flows really well haha good job to your daughter

  • 10 years ago

    by Nina

    Gotta give it to your daughter!

    • 10 years ago

      by Hawk Flight

      The Play was Amazing... for second graders that is hahha