Comments : Life Is But A Dream

  • 10 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    Crystal, I am saddened that I cannot nominate this as it is fantastic. This write does not disappointed you at all in it's creative attention to detail and wording. The view point of the dream is a wonderful idea that is full of life and unique and here again the attention to details shines in each stanza you write. Especially the first stanza as you start out right away with how you seem to be this person's dream. By lingering there and watching them sleep through out the night. But this person has had a dream recurring every night for a while and you always see it because you are it, this could also be a metaphor for a dream and insomnia bit either way, this is beautiful hon. Excellent job.

  • 10 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Oh what beautiful words, and what imaginative creativity you have used!

    There is so much I liked within this poem, that was mentioned. I love how you used the silent movies, I have never really been aware of this being used.

    The popcorn bits being stuck between the teeth was an awesome line, especially since you compared it to the thoughts being stuck!

    evporating from


    - but loved that line too! What strong imagery.

    On the whole, I really like the content of the poem and how the poem is left with the longing to be with this person again, and be all that they dream about and to have that love strong again that disappeared.

    Great job.

  • 10 years ago

    by DarkLight

    Beautiful beautiful besutiful.

  • 10 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Judging Comment:

    love the way you wrote this piece, each and every word you wrote is vivid in its own way whether it is emotionally or descriptively as in the image. Your voice shines through in this piece in ways that are not only personal to you and to this exact piece. Wonderful write.