Dreams Can Become True

by -Choke-On-MY-Halo-   Nov 6, 2014

A wise teen walked the path
Of righteousness and stood
There nude wearing only
Her elegance of youth that was caught by
The blazing sun.

Everyone could tell her stature proclaimed
Many veiled secrets held close,
Yet she let you know she was for real in
Her most weakest point.

A smile graced her face
Like a guardian angel she embraced life
Speaking to the wind she whispered:
"God I thank ye for not letting me
Fail like the ones before my essence was made;
So this is why I smile today",

Her long ago mended wounds fade into
Her pale ivory skin leaving only a slight
Color to her colorless frame.
Letting everyone know her tale;
Depression had held her for a while and had she
Not stood up for what was right she would've
Lost the fight.

Walking till the end of the road
She got on top of the horse behind
A stranger who'd become her love
Because she saw the opportunity that was there
And it was: Dreams can come true.

Challenged with: Let me show you I am for real

the reason I am smiling here today

stranger on horseback

you know my story

dreams come true


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  • 10 years ago

    by Augustus Black

    Graceful write! 5/5

  • 10 years ago

    by John Doe

    I'm sorry but I couldn't connect with this one

  • 10 years ago

    by cassie hughes

    This captures the imagination from the start.

    A wise teen walked the path
    Of righteousness and stood
    There nude wearing only
    Her elegance of youth that was caught by
    The blazing sun.

    'A wise teen' could be thought of as a contradiction in terms yet here you portray her so vividly as knowing exactly what she does and what she wants from life, following the path she chooses, her mind 'nude' and free of all preconceptions out to explore life.

    A smile graced her face
    Like a guardian angel she embraced life
    Speaking to the wind she whispered:
    "God I thank ye for not letting me
    Fail like the ones before my essence was made;
    So this is why I smile today",

    This stanza emphasises how she wants to live life to the fullest and sends her thanks for being given the chance to.

    Her long ago mended wounds fade into
    Her pale ivory skin leaving only a slight
    Color to her colorless frame.
    Letting everyone know her tale;
    Depression had held her for a while and had she
    Not stood up for what was right she would've
    Lost the fight.

    So here we find out this may be a second chance and that is why she smiles and makes sure she grasps it with both hands this time.

    Walking till the end of the road
    She got on top of the horse behind
    A stranger who'd become her love
    Because she saw the opportunity that was there
    And it was: Dreams can come true.

    Here we have a renewed hope that we can make of life what we want. Sometimes we need a 'stranger' to help us pick out the truth from the lies and learn how to see properly. To allow us that we are strong enough and clever enough to be able to turn our dreams into reality.

    A beautiful glimpse into a fragile mind. Very well done. :)

  • 10 years ago

    by CuteThingsGoneWrong

    This poem is odd, at leat to me it is. I love how she was standing pretty much naked xD haha Not because she was but the way you worded it was like what you would read in a novel. Very cute.

    I love how the story has hope in it. Its a bit of a different way to read it then most poems i read on here. So thank you.

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