Traveller of destinations

by Masked metaphor   Nov 11, 2014

Just like a time traveller,
I venture through places in time and space.
My mind is like a child,
my surroundings constantly need to change.

Since I was young,
I was blessed with the power of sight.
Every place I envisioned suddenly
came to life.

I have travelled to the seven world wonders
in under 10 minutes.
I walk through stain glass misted horizons
Under bridges so serene and to
the many natural sites of beauty
one cannot visually believe.

Yet something happened to me
And this I cannot control.
A girl in a white gown running,
Tears pelting as she vanishes into
the sun setting furnace.

My heart seeks to be beside her,
To comfort and wipe her tears.
I travel every destination to find her,
This mystery girl...
Who has captured my heart from deep within.

Years fade into meaningless seams
along the fraying fabrics of lifes lonely miseries.
Abandoned and isolated in a boat,
surrounded by rivers crafted by my countless tears,
I ponder on the mystery girl and wonder if our paths ever cross.

Just like a time traveller,
I venture through places in time and space.
Yet now I am on a personal journey
To find this girl that has truly captured my heart.


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  • 10 years ago

    by PorcelainMoon

    A delicious journey

  • 10 years ago

    by WW

    Awesome! wow this one blew me away. The things that really stood out to me were the visuals you brought to life. I saw this dichotomy between this seer of all earth's places, so unstoppable in this way that there's no where the narrator can't go, and then being powerless when met with this girl. It also caused me to recall this line I came up with once: "I'm from another place no matter where my placement is." I see a longing for/love of freedom in this piece that's powerful and moving. Rad dude, five out of five for sure.

  • 10 years ago

    by earlgreytea

    Interesting... 5/5 :)

  • 10 years ago

    by Unknown

    Thank you for participating in my challenge, Andrew... and congrats on winning it! You done fantastic, this is an absolutely breathtaking poem. :)

    This poem does reminds me of a book/movie, "The Time Traveler's Wife" - if you haven't read or watched the movie, you must immediately! It is beautiful and heartbreaking.

    Technically, you aren't a time traveler. Or at least that is the impression that I have from reading this poem over again. You "feel" like one though because you do travel often, you have a need to have your surroundings change... so you incorporate yourself within different paintings. You can stare into the picture and then feel like you are there, feeling the emotion that is captured within. Once you had that image of that certain place, you kept it forever, like a photographic memory. You could just imagine that place at any time and you would be there.

    Among all of the different worlds that you have envisioned, one has stood out to you. A girl in a white dress, crying and running away and vanishes within a sunset. No matter how hard you try, you cannot get this girl out of your head. You search to the end of the world and back but cannot find her. Even after years has passed and you have aged, you still ponder over this girl and wonder if your paths have ever crossed or will ever cross. You are on a personal mission to find this girl, nothing will stand in your way.

    Beautiful piece and I like how you incorporated more than one painting in your piece - it made it interesting! Great job.

  • 10 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    First: Everyone does need to change sometimes. I do like how riveting this start is though, you kind of pull us into the plot right away, by stating you are a time traveler and that you need to change a lot. This mind is child like which tells me that this person has a great imagination, and is some kind of creative artist.

    Second: These two stanzas connect so well together, this is where the imagination starts to enfold and we learn that it has always been this way for this person. This stanza holds great metaphor and does well for me to keep the reader going and wanting to know why they are a time traveler and where do they go?

    Third: Ahhh this answers the next question as to where they go. It seems like they are surrounded by pictures or paintings that they can get list in and notice every detail of. This holds so much imagery within that you can envision what this person is envisioning. Beautiful details.

    Fourth- This picture or painting has him looking more than once, because they can imagine and physically see the beauty before them, though it is just a painting. There is a girl in a white gown, seemingly cry and running into or towards a sunset. This really is detailed and each line could be its own stanza.

    Fifth: You fall in love with this girl and you imagine what it would be like if you were with her. You long to wipe away her tears and try to help her as much as you can. I like how you said heart though. The heart knows when it is in love. You want to look for her where ever you are because you know that is out there, but you don't know where.

    Sixth: You are working or living on a boat and it seems like years have passed since you first saw her. And you wonder still if your paths will cross, as you say. You are on a personal mission to find this girl and capture your essence. This is a great poem full of love and desire, beautiful work, congrats on the win in the club :) 5/5