I searched my whole life for a true and unselfish love
At the age of fifty my quest was fulfilled
By a golden haired beauty of just five pounds
People say a dog cannot love they are wrong
People say a dog is man's best friend
But Idgit was my only friend
I never had to question her love
When I came home she expressed it
When I left she cried
And when we were together I had her full attention
Love at it's best and purest
She gave me the only true happiness I have known
I thought she would live until I left this world
I hoped she would live until I left this world
It was not to be
I came home from work on a Sunday
And found that little five pound package of true joy
Lying under my bed and no longer alive
At four years old she was too young to leave me
But it was the best four years of my life
I miss her everyday and twice as much on my bad days
I said a final farewell as I laid her to rest
What more could I do
Good-bye Idgit