Comments : What lies in the dark.

  • 10 years ago

    by Greeter

    I thought about writing you a good review. However, the more I think about what to write, the more I lose the joy to read poems. In some of your pieces, after reading them over and over again, I found out that there are a few inconsistencies that I would like to point out, but when I attempt to do so, I get drawn towards technicalities that as a reader I simply overlook. If I were to point them out, then your piece would lose the meaning that you have given it and I would feel like a jerk.

    So I find myself in a dilemma. Thus, I'm not going to point out what I'd consider inconsistencies. I'm just going to say how I feel about the poem and the effect it has on me as a reader.

    This poem is relatable. At one point or another, we have lied to those we love because we believe that if we tell them the truth, then they could get hurt. However, those who love us and knows us, they know when we lie or when there is something going on with us. Thus in reality, by us lying to them, it defeats the purpose for why we lied to them, which it was to not hurt them. However, by us lying to them and them knowing we are "lying" to them, or them seeing there's something wrong with us and us not telling them, it can hurt them as twice as much. So morale of the story, It's better not to lie.