Comments : Head against a brick wall.

  • 10 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    So confused by hatred preaching hatred, why
    can we not love our brothers and sisters with
    civil tongues? Must we blame race, flamethrowers
    a nightly victory for if we set fire to ignorance,
    surely there will be justice.

    ^^An interesting way to start this poem by saying "so confused". It gives time for the reader to wonder about it. Race, color and creed is now becoming a target for war and death...its painful to see that as well as live it.

    I especially like this line: if we set fire to ignorance,
    surely there will be justice. I find this very symbolic! Most of the time its ignorance and arrogance that brings the downfall.

    I like your second stanza too. If people are going to riot about black and white then they should do the same for other races. For there are many more who are been targeted for the color of their skin. This stanza tells that we should fight for the right and set good examples to our children.

    (And we pray for peace as if we are all ministers
    hugging a one-legged kneeler, though we know little
    of selfless prayer)

    ^^I really like this ending for its the type that leaves the reader to ponder about. This is not about just "I" but for the good of humanity...lovely piece!

  • 10 years ago

    by BlueJay

    You definitely made your point with this one and i love that you shared your opinion on the situation so openly. very well penned.