by CuteThingsGoneWrong
Such a small simple write - I think thats your gift. Every writer can capture something a little different, some can make complex images and others can make you remember feelings youve long forgotten... |
by Maple Tree
Screams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with happiness! |
by kitten
Your beautiful comments really made the day; I am really not the poet of the family, my daughter is, so it tickles me that you enjoy my attempts at holding the pen. I really use the poetry to see the world from my children's points of view and to connect with them in their world. I am now inspired to write so much more, you have inspired me to try again and I will post more soon. |
by BlueJay
This is a sweet little write mom, definitely what we needed today, thank you for giving writing another shot. |
by Maple Tree
Kitten, on a personal note: I admire Adreamer's poetry, she is very talented, you should be very proud of her <3 |
Love the idea of "getting into" one's soul, connecting and listening more to its call. Third line, I don't think "it's" should have the apostrophe in it? |
by BlueJay
I just got around to reading this comment to her, and my mom couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day. Thank you MaryAnne :) |
by Unknown
You truly did capture such a beautiful moment that a mother shares with their child. Very precious write. |
by Baby Rainbow
Firstly, I adore the title of your poem. It is a lovely title and feels quite comforting before you even read the poem. |
by BlueJay
Judging Comment: |
by GB
This is short piece that said everything, so honest and full of emotions. It was nice to read your poetry and looking forward to read more. |