Familial Love

by cassie hughes   Dec 8, 2014

Familial love.
Ties that bind.
Though neither will admit
their rights and wrongs.


I see you both,
as in the end you batter
all the life that may
be salvaged from
those bitter indiscretions.
Neither seeing how
the other feels
yet hanging on
to shredded hope.

Those scribbled lines
I scrutinise,
before you even have the chance
to scan the pages,
would say more.
Except for thick, black lines
that I impose, which
overline each nuance
written by your hands.

Forgiver and forgiven.
In endless round debate
that no one else can understand.
A cruel love.
That locks away the father
from the son yet
shackles both
in chains of misinterpretation
and regret.


Familial love
is murder when those
bound together can not read
between the lines.

Written for three part club prison letter challenge


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  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    "Those scribbled lines I scrutinise" - love this line and the alliteration employed. A clever and sad write, Cassie. Well done.

  • 10 years ago

    by GB

    Interesting use of vocabulary giving a deep meaning with excellent closure, neat free verse indeed.