Comments : A-Z Poem

  • 10 years ago

    by gumshuda

    Okay, this is what I think:

    I am so in love with thiissss...
    Dear friend, I guess my love for you is going to be divided between you and your poems. :P
    Yaa, I loved it that much.

    I don't understand how come I didn't read this before.

    I love your usage of words.I can imagine this girl.I can actually imagine each and every word you have written.

    When we lose hope in things especially when we live in this sad cruel world, it can become really torturous to survive.When this whole world comes crashing down, when all those dream clouds we build suddenly ______( sorry, I forgot the word, i guess its break) it becomes a disaster and we feel our life is meaningless.

    I'm gonna mention all my favourite lines here:

    "Ashes all around the air,"
    "Eternity seems to pass by slowly
    frozen in time "
    "Numb the pain of an abyss of self-loathing,
    Opportunities lost, now buried in the past"
    "Quests out there itching to be grabbed"

    "Sweet silent screams vibrate
    Throughout every falling tear
    Out of bounds, out of joy,"
    ^ I love the alliteration here, it's beautiful.I've always loved the oxymoron of silent screams.

    "Vainly she stares at crowns made for royalty
    Wishing she could feel the weight upon her head"
    ^ I also love this part where you say crowns are made only for royalty and you too want to feel that weight which feels weightless and really good.

    But but but....I have an extremely favorite line here,
    "Jig saw memories come in pieces
    keeping her puzzled about her cruel
    lifeless hopes and dreams,"
    ^I love Jig-saw...I am so much in loove with this line.These lines are too perfect.Perfect.

    Right now I'm feeling did my comment even make sense???
    Leave it, I enjoyed reading your poem.
    I loved it and it goes in my favorite list. :D

  • 10 years ago

    by GB

    This is one of the best pieces of yours I have read so far.
    Many poetic skills like alliterations and the metaphors were used professionally.
    The wording as well is not usual making the poem quite distinguished.
    Indeed I enjoyed reading this. Write on~

  • 10 years ago

    by Mayday

    That was UBER creative and neat and actually pretty depressive and rather dark, but really o-o Kudos, Honey! ^_^
