
by Autumn Leaves   Dec 11, 2014

The lies you told, unfolded
like dirty linen. The fairytale
that was once created unraveled
like an untied ribbon.

Tears emerged and pain rose.
Silence confronted me, and
emptiness has taken up

Laughter departed like yesterday
news, in complete solitude my
heart echoes untune blues.

I was just a fabric in need of
needlework. You were just a mascot
good at concealing who you really

The lies have unfolded, the fairytale
has ended. Now the blanket I once
was is left without its fringes. There's
nothing keeping me together, there's
nothing but thread...


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  • 10 years ago

    by Autumn Leaves


  • 10 years ago

    by BlueJay

    I was just a fabric in need of
    needlework. You was just a mascot
    good at concealing who you really

    second line should read you were - not correct grammar

    Otherwise, this is an interestingly penned piece. Nice use of imagery and creative word choice, even though it could have been a bit more spiced up because it seemed to take away from the beauty of the piece.

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