Things Gone Wrong

by La Reina De Corazones   Dec 12, 2014

Our friendship came to an end
The day you said you wanted to avoid me
It broke my heart, it shattered my belief in
I never did anything wrong
If I was headstrong that was because
I couldn't and wouldn't see my friend
Fall down that stupid rabbit hole that you so loved
I set you free
As you desired,
You won't hear me beg for another chance
It was your fault our friendship ended
Hope you know that you're the reason
That I won't trust new "friends"
They'll backstab me and hurt me emotionally
"Fool me once shame on you,
Fool me twice shame on me."
That's my favorite quote
Because it's so damn true
Hope you well sweet "friend"
May you drink yourself to an end
Because I won't ever be hurt by you
Ever again.


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  • 10 years ago

    by Khalid M Darwish

    V. touching and deep. I think you keep on penning this way.

  • 10 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    This poem is sad ofcourse but strong in spirit... I hate when things go wrong >_< but sometimes u gotta step up and say step off bishhhh o_o

    maybe things are better without them anyway right? yea OK keep writing!!

  • 10 years ago

    by gumshuda

    Damn...... Now I know why you wrote this... :'(
    I'm sorry for you mori Chan...
    But don't give up on friendship, it is a beautiful thing.

  • 10 years ago

    by BlueJay

    I can't say that I am a fan of the message in this piece, but since I agreed to comment, this is on the technicality of the piece:

    The word choice is well picked and the formation is interesting. Your style is well done and the flow is decent if nothing else. The last two lines show your voice in a painful, vengeful sort of way, but they were definitely an impacting conclusion.

    Interestingly penned

  • 10 years ago

    by cassie hughes

    A strong piece full of emotion and grief for a lost friendship.
    The sense of hurt, betrayal and bitterness comes over so strongly here it is almost tangible. I felt so sad at the end as their differences appear irreconcilable it left me with a real sense of loss.
    The only criticism I have is that it would flow much better without the capitals at the start of each line. It really plays havoc with the punctuation. Other than that. I really liked it :)

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