Comments : West

  • 10 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    ...and I was wondering hey this looks familiar where did I read this and where is my comment!? I then realized it was in the contest. So will leave the same comment:

    Hmmm..this is something unusual- the scene here is very descriptive for it shows the colors, the mood and an overall atmosphere of a quiet country side where two people are hidden away and one of them taking in the beauty of this solitude time with love. It's inviting with a touch of romance in the end. Kind of like a clip from a movie or a script from a story. A nice read :)

    I really do like this read Colm. It keeps taking me back to a movie scene. In fact a very romantic and sentimental moment.

  • 10 years ago

    by Larry Chamberlin

    And thus you have outed yourself as the third judge, Min! And A heartfelt thanks from me for doing so.

    Colm, your contest entries always take the rules of the contest and turn them on their head, inventing a new interpretation that should have been apparent to all but only seen by you. Refreshing and original, very descriptive and truly Western.

  • 10 years ago

    by Britt

    As you know, I love this poem! Comments from judging:

    Hands down, best poem of the group for me. You've got a mixture of romance, of beautiful setting, of the wild, wild west - what more can you ask for? What stole the show for me was the descriptive tone of the entire piece. Love the thought of wind jigsawing hair, thought that was incredibly creative. It could be my love for the west, but I thought this was an incredibly romantic poem, with that last stanza. Maybe a bit troublesome as the west can be, but filled with a huge story nonetheless. Favorite poem of the bunch!