Sipping on hot time!! Wow!
Love this idea! The teacups for dreams was such a good line to use, you are a genius!
I like how you continue the idea of the tea cup by the cracks, and how they can let things through, even though they themselves never break, such a great and simple metaphor.
I got the imagery of the shower, of trying to wash away the pain and memories that linger on your skin, and you can't seem to get rid of it, it keeps you awake and haunts you, like really powerful flashbacks that can sometimes feel never-ending.
Your title is interesting, and also to include it in your ending, with the question of, would you have wanted to die... this is interesting and makes me wonder. I think it represents the weak state of mind, in hard times, and how sometimes death can seem an option, but then when it comes to it, would you really want to die.
I also like the child of light line, after taking darkness to bed, this was clever and I think again it shows how depression and dark thoughts can take over and we forget to look for the positive things, and be involved in them. It goes back to the temptation of going backwards I guess, like in your other poem.