Chrysanthemum under a Falling Snow

by Maple Tree   Dec 23, 2014

Crying buds
whisper to a mum
buried deeply
under a feather
bed of snow.

our nature
has seen a sorrow
unknown to
heartless ancesters
bare witness to
riches of our
bleeding petals......

Hushing a sinful insanity plea,
she whispers
"we shall rise above this frozen holocaust"
born before a womb of springtime,
our roots have yet to see the dawn.

It is time little seeding, sleep
until winter closets it's coated


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  • 8 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    I was creeping about reading this again lol SO freakin awesome!

  • 9 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    I Freaking love you Syrup, ugh everytime I read this i just zone out!

    • 9 years ago

      by Maple Tree

      Awww..... I love you squeaks.... I'm glad you like this one...

  • 10 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    WHOOOOOOOTTTT Syrup! are the queen of nature poems.....this is such an awesome write, i always love your word choice because you have this way of writing using hard and soft words, kinda like a natural balance within the poem...that mixed with beautiful metaphors always makes what you write stand out next to other nature pieces.

    I always love it when you write about snow, because of how it is the extreme of winter, how it can be harsh and unforgiving, but also how it can be wondrous and beautiful.

    ** My only minor critique is the word "closests" should this be closes? ...but i haven't had my coffee yet so apologies if thats just me lol

    However, when I read this, I don't just read a poem about Winter or Nature, there is something much more personal and deeper to this which i won't be commenting on other than to say you are much loved and always in my thoughts x

    • 10 years ago

      by Maple Tree

      Thank you squeaks... Hugs you. Actually it should read closets.... Damn typos lol thank you for pointing that out!

  • 10 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    Wow Andrea, this holds such a rich meaning within. Agreed with out meena said. For nature lovers and nature itself winter time is "a killing" for everything around us. I do love here how you give a personality to a family of flowers here as well. You don't think about anyone else having a family, but that brings a sweet innocence to the voice of this piece. It is interesting that you used Holocaust but it does work here, because nature dies but after the storm passes nature rises again in all of its splendor and becomes beautiful. This is a great piece full of love and hope. 5/5

  • 10 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    I was trying to picture a Chrysanthemum...and reading this piece drew me into it. I could see a little flower girl all curled up in the snow feeling lonely.

    heartless ancesters
    bare witness to
    riches of our
    bleeding petals......

    ^^I like the voice of the little one coming out from this verse. Yes heartless are some in a way who are destroying nature's beauty but I also see other flowers as "heartless ancestors".

    They keep producing knowing they are going to be plucked and taken away while others are left to wither in the cold-like a homeless person.

    All in all a touching narrative about a little flower and her mum.

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