God wasn't there

by Samuel Ernst   Dec 25, 2014

I can say, with no shadow of a doubt,
That God ignored every scream and shout,
No prayers answered, no forgiveness to give,
To faithful servants who just wanted to live,
I watched good people in their time of need,
Call to a God who did not heed,
On foreign soil, I watched them while they died,
No angle of mercy stood by their side,
While they called to God without relief,
I watched eyes fade of both life and belief,
God wasn't there when he was needed the most,
So I have a question for this Heavenly Host,
Where were you when these soldiers lives where lost,
And tell me why it was them that paid the greatest of cost?


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  • 10 years ago


    Well written but I must disagree with your conclusion about God as an uncaring and distant.
    The Creator of the Universe and all Mankind created in his own image and likeness became one of us and allowed himself to be crucified in order to pay for our sins and when we die go straight to Heaven! It is by Satan that Soldiers die, for he is as Jesus said; The Prince of this World and of all who do not know the Lord! The Good News is that he is a DEFEATED foe and his days to Judgment grow near. The Souls who are beheaded during "The Great Tribulation" and go to Heaven cry out to the Lord to Judge Satan and his evil hoards who beheaded them saying; How Long Lord before you judge them? Ken

    • 10 years ago

      by Samuel Ernst

      I would disagree with you. If God was there, my friends would still be alive, these children whom I have come to love has nieces and nephews would still have fathers, my friends would still have their loving husband.
      If God was there, he wouldn't have allowed these good men to die.
      Your God doesn't care, he is unapologetic, he allows the Devil to do has he wishes.

  • 10 years ago

    by anand singh

    Your poem without a doubt is well penned with the rhyme scheme spot on. I can certainly understand the frustration when looking at God in this perspective. But, it is said, that we do not have the authority to question him because we are not capable of understanding his answers.
    Again, you did a beautiful job with this piece and I've enjoyed reading it. Will read more of your writes as time permits.

  • 10 years ago

    by michelle

    Beautifully written..father a Vietnam army vet... 5/5