Comments : Nightmares

  • 10 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Night after night, day after day.

    ^ This is a unique introduction and I quite enjoyed it. especially how you made it it's own improper (beautifully crafted sentence).

    You lay there on a bed of worry and fear.
    I will show you that i will ALWAYS be here. < the second instance of "I" should be capitalized especially since you put emphasis on "always"

    That the fear is nothing but shadows and tricks of your eyes.

    ^ I love this line. It is comforting almost like a parent counselling a child who has come and curled up in bed with them. It has a loving yet factual tone to it - if that makes sense

    I will be there in your darkness to always hold a candle and show you the way home.

    ^ This is amazing. absolutely perfectly penned; however, due to the repetition and the style of this piece, I would end your stanza here and put some sort of break before the continuation of the piece.

    Night after night, day after day.

    ^ again I love this.

    You lay there in a bed of dreams and bliss.

    ^ I really like the way you turn the piece and start giving this person hope and some sort of reassurance that things can get better.

    I will always be here, and I will always chase away your fears.

    ^ again with the parent/ true love kind of feel. Very well done. i like how the title is nightmares so you are implying one thing but then you use fears to describe said nightmares so that anyone can relate to this - that is a great skill to have and you have used it very well in this piece.

    Cause to me you're the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen.
    I will give you my all just to see that beautiful smile of yours.

    ^ This is a wonderful way to begin the conclusion of this piece. it is lovely and written in such a way that you are truly pouring your heart out to make this person either feel better or to allow them to realize that you will be there for them no matter what sort of pain or fear they may come across.

    I love you Babycakes, forever and always.

    ^ A very personal dedication here, and it gave a lot of life and personality to the piece. nice touch :)

    This is a very well penned piece, quite decent. Still a little rough around the edges but your doing well. Nice job!

    • 10 years ago

      by PineappleKing

      Thanks for the wonderful help and I have fixed the lower case I. I will use this to help me improve in future poems!

  • 10 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Touching write, showing the real love meaning, and how you would do anything, and give anything, just for this girl you love to be happy, and see her smile.

    Beautifully worded and kept simple and to the point. I also love how caring this poem is, that you do not want them to ever feel scared or worried, and that you want to be there for them all the time, and let them lean on you. Truly lovely write.