Broken Angel Falls

by Deathwish   Dec 30, 2014

I was pulled down, down to the ground
I was dragged into a hole
I'm trying to claw my way out of this hell
for a chance to see you smile again
I climb my way up to the sun
my hands cracked and bleeding
I'm covered in mud as I brush my hands off
I look up at the sky, the golden orb stinging my light deprived eyes
I spread my broken wings and try to fly
Only to fall back to the earth with a painful sigh

I await for my death from unforgiving hands
my soul filled with greif, a hopless sadness
I never had my chance to see you smile again
Never got to see your clear eyes light up once more
I never made it to your door

I lay here on the stone cold ground
not bothering to try and stand up
I have no more reason, my purpose is gone
Without you here I have no will to go on

I await for death, my eyes gazed towards the clouds
I close my eyes feeling my body start to numb
I feel a warm hand caress my face, I flinch knowing my time is here

My death now in the palms of the warm hand
I fearfull open my eyes to see you
I feel my chest loosen from the grief, I feel light
I slowly raise my hand to brush your cheek
I smile faintly letting my hand drop to my side

I whisper three little words to you as my final breath escapes across my lips
and my body disappears in a shower of saddened black feathers


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  • 9 years ago

    by Marvellous

    Memory, is all that's left behind. A true friend, will always remain. It's natural, to misquote cost. Within every scar, healing dwells.