Two minutes.

by Poet on the Piano   Jan 5, 2015

Your clouds touched my subconscious,
but you won't set in me. I am the horizon
of my Father and pain won't last through
His touch. He sees much more in me
than I ever believed, than your shadows
ever could fathom in their attempt to
obliterate any accumulated faith.

It takes two minutes for the blossoming
sun in me to sink, and without an anchor
readily available, I often have to rely on
the heavens.

You are not my heaven; He is.

I will be alright if I fall from you into Him.

I know these thoughts won't consume me
because I am protected, I know I simply don't
have the strength to call upon death when
He lives so beautifully in places I have failed
to recognize.

It takes two minutes for me to realize
I am here for a purpose, and after the rum
and tilting bottle of pills, I ask Him to wipe
away my tears and save me -

save me for life.

Freewrite (about written in two minutes lol)
Written 1/04/15


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  • 10 years ago

    by Sunshine

    The title just dragged me down by my hair ! very deep very simple very raw very honest, no bet different. Quite but loud. There is like a lot of different emotions and messages to derive from this piece, esp in the opening lines.

    And then your closing!! just I am reallly fond of this poem, I am not sure how I feel about the space between your last line and the verse before it, (in regard of the style of this poem, not generally speaking), however I am just so much into this write from you.

    Def. into my favorite. two minutes! MAN....

    • 10 years ago

      by Poet on the Piano

      Thanks, Rania! Appreciate you reading. Will have to think about the space between the last line and verse before it. I'm not sure about it either.

  • 10 years ago

    by Sunshine
