Lyrical Lobotomy

by Ziad Assaad   Jan 8, 2015

"Lyrical Lobotomy"

Let me take you on an odyssey,
A journey.
I am a Lyrical Sonographer.
Audibly presenting to your senses,
Sentences of words, and verbs that sit absurdly arranged.
Consistently consisting of literary devices,
Didactically intact,
Developing this informative syntax.

Let me take you on a voyage,
The final frontier.
I am a lyrical suture,
Stitching words out of place, closing blank space on paper.
I respect the person who reads this with discernment.
But the transeunt effects of my writings,
Still inflect the intellect of most my common readers.

Let me take you on a Pilgrimage,
A crusade.
I am the word made flesh.
From my lungs manifest your destiny.
Pray these words, offered up to me,
Lest you fall prey to these words, struck down on one knee.
This verse's inception alludes of connection,
To a lesson not spoken, unheard but still learned.

Let me take you on a Trip,
Destination unknown.
I am a Bandit.
I just high jacked your brain,
And rerouted your train of thought.
Leaving God behind, rewind to a time defined by nothing.
A blank canvas mind rests, staring back with blank eyes,
Swayed by my every suggestion.
Now defenseless, you forfeited your senses complicitly.
Supplementing your better judgment unwittingly,
Gleaned from what's inscribed above.


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  • 10 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Hahah thank you Ziad! That's kind of you

  • 10 years ago

    by Sunshine

    What can I tell you about any of your poems anymore without having to repeat myself. Really

    please break down your fifth line anyway haha, it's lengthy unlike the whole poem.

    okay back to this, yes I've been taken in a journey in a voyage, on a pilgrimage and then, God was behind, and I was taken on a trip.

    I loved your personal tone, I loved the implication of 1st person, and the mind-play; you indeed had me as reader all caught up and :high-jacked.

    I am very fond of this writing, although different by content from the rest of your poems but literary wise it was equally good. You have many ideas and thoughts yet you DO have your own style. I think you're very original and I love your work.

    • 10 years ago

      by Ziad Assaad

      I am proud to have your readership. You process what you read with discernment, judging for yourself what to hold onto or leave be. A mind as yours is impervious to my subversive, misinflections, and verbal misdirections.

    • 10 years ago

      by Ziad Assaad

      Fifth line has been edited per your request. I appreciate it!