Parade your indifference

by PorcelainMoon   Jan 9, 2015

To the potraits of visionaries,
behold eternity
And the wind

Corpse painted politicians
Bell tolls and holsters
Manic moon light
Parade your indifference


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  • 10 years ago

    by GB

    Dean, more remarkable pieces from you, I wish I was able to nominate. You write thought-provoking poetry, I do admire the vague atmosphere it creates and I try to grasp the concept in general, enjoying the poetic skills used.

    The chaos in Paris and perhaps what happened in the US crossed my mind while reading this, just thoughts.

    ~To the potraits of visionaries,
    >Probably portraits.

    ~And the wind
    >Do you think the article is needed here? try to read the whole verse without it.

    ~Corpse painted politicians
    ~Manic moon light
    ^Great images and use of alliteration.

    Parade your indifference
    ^Mesmerizing as an end and a title as well for such short verse, thank you very much for sharing.