Skeleton of Scattered Pages

by Maple Tree   Jan 15, 2015

My soul has become parchment paper.

Frayed, around a silhouetted frame
that has been defeated by gravitational

The writings on my face are poems
etched in blood, cryptic messages
laced with cover up shadings.

You could read me like a road map
for I have traveled miles in this skin,
but my punctuation falls like a teardrop,
ending in a comma within the corners of
my smile.

I'm placed upon a shelf of good reads
but forgotten tales, and nothing can change
the fact that dust settles in the bones of this

just a skeleton of scattered pages,
a spine that withers in time....


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Latest Comments

  • 9 years ago

    by FTS Miles

    Beautiful and precise imagery creating an effortless read for something so pregnant in symbolism.

  • 9 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Judging Comment:

    This piece is absolutely stunning. Andrea has completely blown me away with her use of spot on imagery (found in all her works but definitely highlighted in the simplistic detail here). There is a voice in this piece that truly captures the audience in ways they would not anticipate when they sit down to read a piece labeled "sad". There is an honesty in this piece, a sort of openness that authors (along side any artist) strive to offer within their work that Andrea has mastered this week in ways so many only dream of. This piece definitely goes down as one of her best thus far.

  • 10 years ago

    by alka mendiratta

    Wonderful write !!!!!

    Congratulations on the win !!!!

  • 10 years ago

    by PorcelainMoon


  • 10 years ago

    by kitten

    Congratulations on the win and front page with this piece! It deserves nothing less with it's simple imagery and the way it reaches out to every reader in a slightly different piece. Beautiful write in every sense of the word, especially in the way you took such a sad feel and twisted it into something so stunning.