
by JaneDoeWrites   Jan 16, 2015

I back-trace
the series of seemingly
fortunate events that led us
to meet that day quite often,
because you see-
If I were not the introvert that
my anxiousness had caused me to be,
I probably would have made it to the grocery
store the night before, as asked- but I hadn't.
So I rescheduled with my friend from Puerto Rico,
who couldn't read English that well and who (still)
doesn't know how to cook, for the next day.
Which was a Saturday.

And you see,
if I were not the kind-hearted person
that my mother (the saint that she is) raised me
to be, I probably would have declined the favor
altogether- but luckily for you and I both, I didn't.
So as fate would have it, and I went to the store with
my friend on that Saturday... even though I was
tired and it was dark out, because I knew
it was the right thing to do.
For doing's sake.

But the thing is,
you see,
if I were not the generous type
and I had actually stayed home and slept away
my selfishness, I would have never passed
the produce section that your doppleganger was browsing
quitely in. And the memory of your face in a darkened bar
from a year ago wouldn't have come jogging back to light,
and your name would have still been another name
lost among my many thoughts, somewhat forgotten.
And your story would have been another story
I would have never heard in my lifetime
or the next.

But I went that Saturday,
you see,
because I felt compelled to do so.
And in doing so,
I was reminded of this guy from a year ago
in some dark bar.

So there we stood
in two separate places
on the surface of this vast Earth
while fate was busy at work,
completely unaware it was a Sunday.
And I am grateful for the
many things that led me to you-

including the man in the supermarket
standing over
the apples.

**Just a rant, a rough draft. I just felt the need to ramble and post something because the crickets have been too loud here recently.**


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  • 9 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    Damn why didn't i see this when i could nominate it :/

    you have a wonderful way of writing anf this rough draft" should stay exactly the way it is, I adore the format and your descriptive writing is first class!!! word choice and tempo as usual was awesome but I really like the flow and the narrative quality :)) really a unique write right here :) added to favs so i can indulge at a later date.

    A readers request.....DONT Change it!

    • 9 years ago

      by JaneDoeWrites

      Aw yeah, thank you! It was meant to be more of a free write so I wanted to keep the simplicity and flow of it exactly the same... thank you as always!

  • 10 years ago

    by Beautiful Soul

    Crystal, This is outstanding and the story you tell is vivid and detailed, even though most wont read this for its length, I freaking love this poem from you. I didn't see anything wrong with it in technical terms. It is difficult to over come your fears of and it was fate that pushed you to that Saturday supermarket to see a person you knew from a year ago, and you are grateful to see this person again. It seems here you play the "what if" game, and what if you didn't go to the supermarket with a friend, how much things would turn out differently for you on that day, would you still be depressed or overcome by anxiety? Its interesting to see your thoughts about this because mental health does cause you to overthink. Love this. 5/5