God sees the heart of man

by Everlasting   Jan 18, 2015

God sees the heart of man
like an emptied jar of glass
Where each man
puts things into his heart
as if his heart was a museum
For God to observe

For God to understand
What each man has been through in his life
So He could understand
Why man do the things man do.
So He could understand
That some man can be Evil but Innocent
at the same time.

God sees the heart of man,
Like a fragile jar of glass
That if this heart breaks,
It could cut any other man

But if the heart remains intact
This heart could be a jar
where even a white rose

Could survive


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  • 10 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    So I knew there was a poem I said I'd come back for, it was nagging at me lol

    To me, this poem is comforting. The simile of our hearts being an emptied jar of glass is incredible to think about. It makes me think how we should empty all our troubles and worries to God, and he will heal us. Only he truly can. This also reminds me of the Scripture quote: "I knew you before I formed you in the womb" from Jeremiah.

    I completely connected with the "evil but innocent at the same time" line as I believe we are all made in God's image and likeness, inherently good, but since he gave us free will, we choose evils and choose to give into temptations.

    Such a hope-filled ending with promise, promise of something new growing and that white rose to be the symbol. That even in our darkest times, when our hearts are dirtied and troubled, God still sees us as beloved and still sees potential in us. Potential to blossom.

    Beautiful write!

  • 10 years ago

    by Augustus Black

    This poem is full elegance and it's totally on bible based. Very well written young girl. You have crafted the heart in a very different technic, I adore that. And also the message that you are giving through this write.

    But I am disagreeing with this line: That some man can be Evil but Innocent at the same time.

    So, overall well done, for this impressive work. Keep on working like this. Full Marks

  • 10 years ago

    by gumshuda

    Agreed with everyone above*nodding*

    Right.. Right...
    This poems like every other poem of yours....
    Awesome and unique :P
    Oh lol..

    Loved it..

  • 10 years ago

    by uttAm

    Just woww for your unique and out of the box metaphors....and i liked the ending of your poem very much.:)

  • 10 years ago

    by alka mendiratta

    Beautifully penned Lucero !!!!
    We are a sum total of the way we are conditioned and have various experiences in our life .
    How we react to a particular situation at a given time.Our feelings from our heart matter the most .

    Loved the way you compared a heart to a jar of glass.
    So true !!!