Comments : In This Smoke

  • 10 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    Woahh this blew my mind! this is so darkishly fantastic n i could really vibe of the emotions from this, probably because I hold the same emotions close, you worded each line so well they became attached to my mind I enjoyed this immensely o_o this definitely takes it to a new level of feeling Helpless..... amazing write I oughta read more


  • 10 years ago

    by Sandstorm

    Love this poem, could be applied to human nature itself, and loved the eerie repetition used. x

  • 8 years ago

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    A powerful, emotionally potent piece. Well done!


  • 7 years ago

    by Milo

    Ah. Short story. I had a friend that was close to me. We worked at the same workstudy job and same night shift in college. She hooked up with a person and soon after, they dated. She moved to a different unit and I didn't see her for three months. By the time we came around, she was a different person, changed by the insatiable desire for meth. All it took was three months to lose a friend. And the sad thing is with meth, people lose much sooner than that.

    I barely found your poems, but I'll have to go back and keep reading them. They are soothing, a reflection of the words I wish I can tell my friend today.

    Thank you.