Comments : Sprout.

  • 10 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Wow! I think you should listen more often to these stuff then :) We have such a master piece here.
    I can already see your finger tips writing this piece.

    Your structure is very strong, and your phrases so coherent.
    Your May I...opening made this somehow HOT.
    Then how you reflect a sense of life and birth. Gave me a scene of ice into water into the roots into the birth of something new...just like seasons. Agh how beautiful is your stanza.

    And then! you take us somewhere else, I felt some current of strong love here, wanting to be somehow the dominant, the everything..

    to sense without the sense.

    lkjfsdznxfkjdhskjfdxhfkjdshf wonderfulllllllll.

    I was really fond if your ending line, about clarity, it had abit of strength, wit.

    Applause *