Shadow of My Past

by RustySoul   Jan 25, 2015

What life is this that treated me
In ways unjust and most unfair,
Leaving me alone and broken,
None I possess to love and care.

No hope nor prayers can ever bring back
The love that I once did boast,
I am now but a desolate soul
I have lost the ones I loved the most.

Who knows what grief dwells within
Or the pangs of solitude my heart has borne,
Not a shade of distress I reveal
I laugh with all but weep alone.

Long is my grief, short is my joy,
Days are dreary; once so full of bliss
Now maddening silence all around,
Lord, wherefore you gave a life like this?

No love is pure nor friendship true
A lesson well learned at last,
I am no more the person I used to be
I'm just a shadow of my past.


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  • 7 years ago

    by Lucifer

    Another heartfelt poem!

    Write few more poems like this.

    Loved the ending.

    I used to live in the past.
    So things happen, put together your shattered heart and forget that it had ever broken.

    That's the only way...
    Cherish the ones still around you.

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